Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Two Years Ago....

I was looking pretty good.

My groom was looking HOT

All of our closest friends and siblings were there to support us and have a few laughs.

My new family. This is perhaps the best part of getting married. I know for some that in-laws can be a real pain in the butt, but mine are quite the opposite. I knew then that I was gaining a wonderful family, but in the past two years they have really exceeded my expectations.

The crowd awaiting our arrival.

Dad and I. So kind and generous.

Mr and Mrs Middagh

Thanks to Tom for making it official. I couldn't have been happier having someone who has known me my whole life do the honor of officiating.

Can't forget the dancing. What a party. My mom can really shake it.

And the most important part, walking off into the sunset together. What a beautiful day it was. I think back and it seems like so much has happened since then. Life together so far has been an amazing adventure.


  1. I can't believe it has been two years! Isn't it crazy to think how much life has changed?
    It was such an awesome day!

  2. Tears in my eyes as I view and remember that wonderful day. You and Derek have made a beautiful life together, and Baxter is the most precious gift to all our families. Happy anniversary sweetie, and think of a way to celebrate when we get back home!
    Love you all,

  3. Aww! It was such a beautiful day! One of the best weddings I've ever been too! You two make a gorgeous couple... and your offiecient was kind of a stud too! Happy Anniversary!

  4. Awesome pictures and a great day to remember forever. Glad that we were there to share it with you. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!! Happy Anniversary

  5. Liz that picture of you is so pretty. That was such a fun day, your little man is so cute i love the video:)
